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Down but not out!

What crazy, crazy times!

We are all experiencing extremely difficult times at the moment, but I wanted to put a positive slant on things in the hope that it might cheer a few of us up.

Despite being winded with the decision to temporarily close the doors of my concept store in Eumundi and losing valuable retail dollars, I am embracing the opportunity to spend more time on my family (albeit it remotely with some members!), having a really good clean out of any hoarding I have been guilty of in both the home and the business, and getting a chance to think about the way forward with new Michelle Pike artworks.

As the saying goes... be careful what you wish for... I have been commenting all too often in the last year, that I was finding it increasingly difficult to find time to paint. This 'break' now has me excited at the prospect of what I may be creating in the coming months.

I hope you too can look at this moment as a clean slate and embrace it as an opportunity to start that veggie patch you've always wanted, clean out the shed, learn that recipe, brush the dust off the sewing machine, sign-on to online learning and maybe even pick up a paint brush??!!!

I look forward to 'seeing' you all again on the other side, but remember - the online store is still going strong and I am happy to take any product / artwork enquiries.

One of my most fitting artworks for this article, is most certainly 'Don't Look Back'... follow this link to let me put a smile on your dial :)


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